Standard jobs are listed based on their date of posting, with the most recent ones appearing at the top of the job search page. On the other hand, Featured jobs are given special prominence by being listed on the job seeker landing page. This increased visibility can help attract more attention from job seekers and potentially increase the number of applicants for those featured positions.
The listing duration of all Job Posts correspond to your monthly duration Subscription Package. However, after 45 days listing, you will receive an Alert to update the Job Post status (extension or remove post). By default, all inactivated re-posts will be taken down from the listing to avoid vacancies that may no longer exist.
All Job Posts are delisted within 14 days after subscription expiration.
No, our system are only available to monthly or annual Package, promote greater branding engagement among employers and job seekers.
Employers can proactively search talents for our active and passive registered talents. Employers can engage with them to apply for any vacancies post or not posted. All CVs are available to employers, except for those that are set to private. Employer can initially reach out to Talent via our Mailbox system.
ATS stands for Applicant Tracking System. All users have access to our ATS to communicate and track every stage of the Applicant’s hiring process effectively and seamlessly.
No, each subscriber is allocated one User which is uniquely associated with one employer unit.
Admin User have full access rights and control to other branch Users' functionalities. Each User have the right to post jobs for their respective employer unit with their own address. Admin User may be a group holding company with 5 restaurants outlets/branches, Admin user has the right to post jobs for all 5 different restaurants using Admin user's address.
Yes, Employer cancel or request for refund by clicking button " Request Cancel" under Billing Section. After confirming cancellation after the expiry date, the button "Request Cancel" will be disabled.
Yes, subscribers can upgrade at any time. Please contact our or call +852 2523 1882
To conduct a video interview, employers create a set of up to 5 questions, each with a maximum response time of 1 minute. They then invite applicants by clicking the "Invite Video Interview" button, which changes to "Invited Video Interview." Applicants receive an invitation email with a link to the job seeker site, where they can login and record their video responses. Each answer can be up to 2 minutes long. After applicants submit their video answers, employers can view them by clicking "View Answer" on the employer site.
Job seekers have the option to create a Video CV by either uploading or recording a video during the sign-up process. They can record a video up to 1 minute in duration or upload a video file with a maximum size limit of 25 MB. If they need to make any edits to their Video CV, job seekers can simply click on the "Edit Profile" button.
Lazybird does not provide refunds for any unused portion of a subscription cycle. However, if you choose to cancel your subscription before the start of the next billing cycle, you will be not charged again.